"Judging is always a great opportunity to learn. You can learn from colleague judges about how to look at problems and assess agencies. Most importantly, you can also learn about the market, what’s out there, what agencies are doing, and the quality of their work."

Alessandra Bellini - 2023 Chair of Judges

Judges are made up of brand chief marketing officers and brand marketing directors. Please ensure that your nomination is representative of one of these two job titles (or similar).​​​​​​ The final judging panel will be comprised of an inclusive range of individuals to fully represent the industry. Agencies are unfortunately not eligible to judge this scheme.


Engage in quality conversation and network

Judging offers top senior brand marketers a rare opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations with peers. These interactions not only challenge their thinking but also contribute to their professional growth, providing valuable insights for their strategies and leadership.

Stay informed on current and future agency practices

Reviewing entries provides an opportunity to grasp how agencies are creating effective work for clients now and in the future. The judging process offers a thorough overview of the latest trends, strategies, and innovations in the industry, equipping CMOs with insights that can elevate their own marketing efforts.

Evaluate and appreciate top industry talent

Being a judge allows CMOs to evaluate some of the top talent in the industry and getting to know these individuals and their work, enriches their perspective on what constitutes excellence in marketing and advertising.


"Meeting other dynamic, like-minded people within the industry and sitting around a table, having honest, open debates about talent, while also experiencing the positive enthusiasm for championing those who are doing good work. You are evaluating some of the most amazing talent that we have in the industry, so it's a great way to get to know those people."

Priya Chandé (2023 Judge)

Global Brand Director - WUKA

"Meeting other judges and seeing how people think within the industry is enlightening. When you look at the submissions, it's really about understanding how agencies are thinking about work that works for clients in 2023, and as we head into 2024 and beyond."

Adam Zavalis (2023 Judge)

VP, Marketing - ASDA