Zenith UK
Meantime, our teammates were still anxious about financial safety with the continued political and economic uncertainty. They also needed us to find opportunities for progression at a time of record low churn. In ’23 we set out to deliver three things: 1. more empathetic partnership for our clients, 2. industry-leading campaign work that delivers business results and 3. money, support and progression (the only stuff that really matters) for our people. This year we delivered double digit revenue growth (judges' eyes only) in a market where billings were down 3%. Through de-risking media for our clients, we increased take-up of new products and services by 103%. We also added £70m in new business billings. But none of this was at the expense of our people. 89% of our people said they felt the agency ‘has their back’ and in Campaign’s Best Places To Work we were the highest placed network agency.