We Are Social
In what has been an unprecedented and undeniably tough year, we’ve come through the other side of the global pandemic as a stronger and more resilient business. It’s not been an easy journey, but we’re incredibly proud of the way our teams in EMEA and indeed globally have adapted quickly to collaborate, produce brilliant and innovative digital work, attract big brands to our client roster and rally together to help each other, our clients, and the wider industry cope with the fallout that Covid-19 has brought upon us.
We’ve been able to produce some of the work we’re most proud of in 2020. We helped UberEats win over streamers on Twitch, took over Animal Crossing for Global Pride, ran successful TikTok campaigns for Bugles, Pringles & more, responded to the WHO’s call for help with a social distancing lens. We took Barrilla viral with Federer’s rooftop tennis, helped Zalando break barriers in social commerce and OOH innovation and inspired Audi fans to find their lockdown creative inspiration - and much more. We’ve also inspired and informed millions via our thought leadership and reports.
We’ve recognised both amongst our team and the wider industry that we need to do more to build a culture at We Are Social that is not just “not racist” but actively anti-racist, through both new and existing initiatives. We know that this is a tough time for everyone and we’re all facing a lot of individual struggles. So we’ve been working to support our team’s wellbeing and mental health in this new normal.
We’re now looking optimistically ahead to 2021.