We are UNLIMITED. A fully integrated agency group with human understanding at the heart of everything we do. Last year, we turned a tanker and set about creating a new growth culture. In 10 strategic steps we; defined the ambition, reframed the ask, made ourselves easier to buy, carved out a front door, found our PR mojo, got our marketing sass, joined sales and marketing, proved it in numbers, proved it with clients and proved it in growth. Sounds easy? Well, it wasn’t. And with the filter of COVID, we turned it blindfolded, in a storm and still grew.
We’ve climbed a very steep, scrappy and brutal trajectory. But the culmination of this journey is that we have reframed new business and rebuilt the infrastructure to support our ambition. We’ve moved away from what was a largely scattergun prospecting process in silos into a really systematic machine with strategy and purpose. We shifted the meaning from transactional new business to strategic growth with everyone understanding their role. We don’t sell. We listen. We provide solutions. It’s working.
Ten hugely talented individuals make up UNLIMITED’s hybrid New Business team with capabilities ranging from design and PR to sales and marketing. Headed by UNLIMITED’s CMO, they are the lifeblood of the agency and work relentlessly to drive performance across new and existing clients. What sets the team apart is that they commiserate the losses, celebrate the wins, but most importantly commit to win from the get-go. This award is for our team.