TMW Unlimited
TMW Unlimited's New Business and Marketing Team
We set about achieving these objectives in 3 ways: 1. Bringing in new types of opportunities. We’ve flipped the script on how an integrated creative agency should position itself – nailing who we’re for, as much as who we’re not for. 2. Being talked about in new and different ways, creating a constant drumbeat of thought leadership programmes from the ground up. 3. Pitching differently. Making it one of the most rewarding, thrilling things an agency can do, where everyone is all in whilst feeling that they are learning and developing themselves, through a simplified process, the TMW Way, and Pitching Clean And the results have followed: The agency’s best ever new business year in its 37-year history, adding £7.9m in annual revenue. 24 pitches won out of 27 – a groundbreaking 89% pitch win rate. Doubled our coverage in Campaign, including our first-ever appearance in Campaign’s New Business rankings.