TMW Unlimited
Karen Morris
Indispensable to this success is what we believe is best client services team in the business. Led by our Client Services Director, Karen Morris, they are the lifeblood of the agency. Though it is a team comprised of many different types of people, they share a common spirit of collaboration, resourcefulness and compassion. From managing existing clients to turning around winning pitches in a week, Karen and her team have kept an extraordinary amount of plates spinning, and not a single one has dropped. Karen has been a driving force behind a truly extraordinary new business year. Of the 13 chemistry meetings that we have been invited to across integrated, CRM and social briefs, we have 13 pitch wins. As well as conducting some of the biggest new business wins of the year – Oak Furnitureland, itsu and Rail Delivery Group to name a few – Karen has found the time to drive the agency’s culture, lead an office move and deliver our best ever client relationship scores, with a 100% record on retained client