Stein IAS
Not every year is a great one for agencies. Yet, the great agencies push on. Then, they reach a point where they’ve broken through to the next level. This year has been that year for Stein IAS.
Five years ago, Stein + Partners and IAS B2B Marketing merged to form the Stein IAS global agency brand. Our goal: to become the most important B2B agency in the world. It’s taken every day of those five years to get it ‘just right.’ Now that we have, our audacious goal is in sight – and the sky’s the limit.
In fact, we’ve hit high water marks in every aspect of our performance. Revenue and profitability. Creativity. Culture. Accounts. Awards. Training. Diversity.
As the pandemic took told, we powered on with profound success. So much so that revenue increased 12.9% to an all-time high while operating profit grew 131.5%, also an all-time high.
We acquired eight global accounts of consequence, including Capita, Covance, Danfoss, Elanco, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Google, IHS Markit and MSCI. From life sciences to tech to financial services, our roster of Tier 1 global accounts became deeper and richer in this pivotal year for the agency.