Saatchi & Saatchi

Franki Goodwin

In 2024, Saatchi & Saatchi rose to the challenge of delivering stand-out creative following major account wins in 2023, including the John Lewis Partnership and OVO.

Under the leadership of Chief Creative Officer Franki Goodwin, the agency focused on pushing boundaries, prioritising craft, and evolving its creative output across diverse formats. This included broadcast cliff-hangers, TikTok innovations, city murals, experiential campaigns, inspiring books, and even the launch of a product range—while maintaining its stronghold in big TV advertising. Franki’s leadership, shaped by her non-traditional background in film and design, redefined the agency’s creative vision and elevated the work to new heights. The results included award-winning campaigns for Waitrose, EE, Subway, OVO Energy, the British Heart Foundation, and John Lewis. Franki also fostered a robust, diverse creative team by blending emerging talent with globally recognised senior creatives. Beyond Saatchi, Franki’s creative influence extended to her independent film company, Western Edge Pictures. This year, she executive-produced and released TimeStalker, a genre-defying rom-com starring Alice Lowe, Nick Frost, and Jacob Andersson. Franki’s mantra, "be the reference," driving the agency to produce work that not only inspired clients and peers but set a new standard for the industry - something achieved this year.