If you don’t have a clue who should be Agency Of The Year, prepare to take a peek at an intriguing outfit that was able to deliver vital 1-2-1 communications to customers precisely when they needed them most.
While the pandemic was accelerating consumer and global trends, and needy cats and impatient amazon drivers were disrupting zoom meetings across the land, these slipper-wearing heroes were strengthening both colleague and client relationships. And they turned their own homes into the most pro-active, creative, and over-caffeinated Customer Engagement Agency in the country.
Hyperbolic? You decide. But in 2020 you’ll see that our mystery marketeers didn’t merely weather the storm. They rode the ruddy wave with a host of industry awards, significantly expanding a number of key clients, growing the rest steadily, and winning over £8m in new business.
Oh, and in their spare time, they seamlessly undertook this year’s biggest agency merger in their sector. One that effectively saw them mushroom in size, so that they now boast over 200 data and tech brains alone. And they did all this while still in their PJs.
So, who can it be? Who is this year’s worthiest candidate for Customer Engagement Agency of the Year? It must be. It has to be. It must surely be: RAPP.