In ‘the year of the independent’ we feel that Pablo has embodied the independent spirit. We changed shape and size. We employed creative thinking in terms of work but also in the way we have redefined the business, adapting to the crisis and focussing on the culture and support of our team.
What you will read within this submission is the output of a total team performance. We have re-engineered the creative process at pace, looking for marginal gains at every opportunity.
All of this has led to us topping the New Business league, whilst also increasing creative output by 50%.
We have achieved our goal of zero staff layoffs, in fact rapidly growing our headcount. We ensured that our staff did not suffer a year where they earned less, instead finishing the year with even more in their pockets than in 2019. And we’ve also continued to build a culture that embraces all forms of diversity and inclusion.
In short, Pablo has not sat on the sidelines. We’ve taken part. We think it would be hard to find an agency team who has created more opportunities and delivered on them. We feel that we’ve embodied an independent spirit.
A spirit that says when the rules change, use creativity to change the rules.
A short film to tell the story vimeo.com/492453477/e63b91b94a