Our overarching objective this year - To do the right thing.

For our clients.

We work with some of the UK’s biggest brands, yet whatever the size of the team, the relationship is tight, collaborative and open. We’ve been through thick and thin together over the last year, and those relationships have been more important than ever. We’ve started 12 new client relationships this year. And retained every single one of our existing clients.

For our business.

We have to be future ready for our clients and our people’s careers. We’ve launched 2 new practices and we’ve looked at our staffing model, creating ‘Fix & Flex’ to respond to the new and evolving recruitment landscape. For the industry. We feel a huge sense of responsibility at MRM to help make sure the industry people enter, work in, or return to inclusive and fair. Returnships, apprenticeships and time investment in industry events and training are an imperative for us.

And of course, each other.

The new world needs new ideas on how and when we work. We’ve introduced unlimited paid holidays – Time Well Taken – and bolstered our Sounding Board, a diverse group who join our board meetings to challenge and inspire us around business decisions. And of course, the mental health of our people is our number one priority.

Throughout our submission, we hope you’ll see how doing the right thing is our everything.

And how, when you do the right thing, great stuff follows.