Leo Burnett UK

In 2024, Leo Burnett had its biggest year yet by doing things ‘our way’—connecting with the nation, not just impressing adland. Instead of chasing endless pitches and awards, we focused on creating campaigns that have real-world impact, building lasting relationships, and welcoming fresh talent to reflect the diverse world we live in.

‘Our way’ works. We launched Vodafone as “The Nation’s Network,” brought Cheez-It’s to the UK for Kellogg’s, sparked mental health conversations with McDonald’s “The Meal,” and turned Reddit into a creative playground for Škoda. Leo Burnett’s team grew by 33%, with 80 new Burnetters bringing fresh ideas and expertise. The agency achieved 100% client retention, unprecedented revenue growth, and a staff turnover rate far below the industry average. But it’s not just about numbers. Leo Burnett is focused on winning the right way—investing in people, the planet, and culture. It’s all part of our mission to make the good stuff in life accessible to everyone. This year proved that staying true to that mission pays off. So, viva Populist Creativity!