Indy Selvarajah

Sri Lankan / Malaysian by blood. British by design. Indy lives and breathes everything Culture-First. From gallery shows in the Tate, to a digital theatre production in Brooklyn and Channel 4 TV show, he brings this unconventional experience to his creative department at Ketchum London, an agency going through big changes under his watch.

In one year, he has grown a creative department from 2 to 12 people, bringing together one of the most diverse groups of Creatives; Peruvian, Malaysian, Polish, Brazilian, Iranian and Italian, of which 60% are female.

Spearheading the agency from zero creative awards in ‘21 to over twelve this year for Adobe, Mayor of London and LEGO. The most significant, Creative Agency of the Year at the Creative Moment awards.

From a business POV, Indy has also been integral to the 12% growth in 2022, with new business wins of £2.8m including Danone, LEGO, Gucci and Iceland.

He continues to be fiercely committed to finding and developing talent on the ‘edges’ and this year, the agency has partnered with Ambitious about Autism, 10,000 Black Interns and the Social Mobility Foundation.

He has also been jury President of D&AD’s 21 Grams.