Oliver Walker
In his own words: “It’s incredibly rare in life that you get an opportunity like this. One of the world’s largest companies, forcing tens of millions of websites to replace the version of a tool they have, with a new one. And it just happens to be the tool you’ve spent your whole career working on. “This presented an unrivalled opportunity to start quickly in a field where there would be many organisations struggling and would need support.” Olly speaks of his two missions for Hookflash. 1. To become the leading digital optimisation business in the UK. 2. To create the best place to work in digital. Clear and visionary, supportive in actions and work, Olly provides strong direction and vision and enables his team to shine. This Leader of the Year entry demonstrates how Olly has brought his experience and expertise, amassed over the last 15 years, to create an agency based on his values. He puts people forward for awards and thought leadership platforms, often before himself. While at the same time, recognising his responsibility as a visible agency and industry leader.