Gravity Road

We are Gravity Road, digital creative studio and part of the fast-growing, category-disrupting brandtech group, You & Mr Jones.

We exist to make things people want to spend time with - ideas that people love and are entertained by, born for brands but designed for audiences. We call it Time Well Spent. And we use the latest technology & tools to give this time greater creative and commercial impact. 

We were thrilled to be recognised as Digital Innovation Agency 2020 and we spent 2021 doing our very best to stay up - without losing our good humour and playfulness.   We’ve grown topline revenue +20% – our 3rd consecutive year of growth that significantly outperforms the market. And played a part in our parent company, You & Mr Jones, extraordinary performance of +50% YoY organic revenue growth (Jan - Aug 2021).

The launch of You & Mr Jones Media and E-commerce divisions helped our own Social Commerce unit enjoy a very fast start, contributing almost 10% of total revenue in 2021 to date.  

It was our 10th birthday in 2021! A whole decade of innovation, fun, business growth and talented teams making things people want to spend time with.

But we’ve not just grown in terms of age, financial performance and innovative output. We’ve also grown in stature.  We’ve long been an innovation partner to clients. Now, we’re a brand *and* innovation partner. We’re seeing a shift from pure innovation briefs to broader strategic and creative remits - shaping the whole direction of brands’ next-generation growth.