Droga5 London
It’s been the best of times and the worst of times. From the heady heights of our first ever Super Bowl spot to the hard hitting reality of creativity by Zoom, 2020 has thrown the accepted wisdom of what it takes to make great work to the wind.
Because despite the teething pains, the remote working and endless hangouts, our collective commitment to what we do best has resulted in our most creatively and commercially successful year ever.
Our campaigns helped brands engage with and support consumers, and also entertained people in need of some light relief in lockdown. And we were recognised - with multiple ‘Pick of the Weeks’ and Campaign awarding our creative endeavours the number 1,3 and 6 spots in its Top Ads of the Year. We were also crowned Adweek’s 2020 International Agency of The Year - not bad for a small London-based shop of 50 people.
The close working relationships we enjoy with our clients were further cemented by the somewhat more informal set-ups of our strange new world, turning projects into accounts and pitches into appointments. With a whopping 36% revenue growth coming from clients as varied as Amazon, Coca-Cola, VW, Barclaycard and Maserati we demonstrated that with the right culture, leadership and talent you can keep momentum going and create new opportunities, even in adversity.
All of which means we are entering 2021 stronger than ever and armed with unstoppable creative ambition, a collaborative agency culture, a depth of talent and a truly global outlook.